A reporter with strong dig­i­tal skills

I have worked as an intern at the Willi­man­tic Chron­i­cle. I report­ed on sto­ries in the areas of Wind­ham, Willi­man­tic and Hebron, Connecticut. 
One sto­ry I am proud of is a sto­ry I did on an annu­al Plunge for Hunger which helped to raise mon­ey for needy families. 
Par­tic­i­pants take the plunge into the chilly water. The event raised funds for the Covenant Soup Kitchen. (Amelia Ingra­ham / For the Chronicle)
I have been a cor­re­spon­dent at The Dai­ly Cam­pus, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut’s stu­dent-run paper. I report on sto­ries in and around cam­pus and write my own headlines.
One par­tic­u­lar sto­ry I am proud of is a sto­ry I did on new leg­is­la­tion passed to help improve stu­dents’ education.
Last year, I start­ed doing free­lance work in my home­town of Wind­sor for my local paper, The Wind­sor Jour­nal.  My best piece I report­ed on involved the Palette and Brush Club, a group estab­lished long before most cur­rent res­i­dents lived there. 
In addi­tion to writ­ing, I am adept at mul­ti­me­dia. One com­pelling mul­ti­me­dia piece I cre­at­ed involved a protest on cli­mate change at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut. 
To view oth­er exam­ples of my writ­ten work, click here
To view my mul­ti­me­dia work, click here
Con­tact Info
Email: anthony.v.zepperi@gmail.com
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Lead pho­to by Antho­ny Zepperi