Connecticut homes damaged, crumbling

Graph­ic By: Antho­ny Zepperi
Novem­ber 6, 2019
Port­fo­lio, Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut 

Many towns in Con­necti­cut are expe­ri­enc­ing crum­bling foun­da­tions that, in some cas­es, has forced home­own­ers out of their homes for a year or longer. The prob­lem was dis­cov­ered about four years ago, and cas­es of crum­bling foun­da­tions have sharply increased since then.

Source of data: Con­necti­cut State Depart­ment of Housing

UConn holds protest
against climate change

By: Antho­ny Zepperi
Octo­ber 23, 2019
Port­fo­lio, Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Stu­dents and the pub­lic were invit­ed to take a part in a march for cli­mate change at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut Stu­dent Union lawn on Sept. 24. Stu­dents let their voic­es be heard and expressed their con­cerns about the issue. The peo­ple who attend­ed brought signs with them to show their sup­port for the oth­er protesters. 


Birds run amok during
statewide lockdowns

By: Antho­ny Zepperi 
April 18, 2020
Port­fo­lio, Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

With the major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans liv­ing under lock­down, a new sound is start­ing to com­mand its pres­ence and replace the noise of traf­fic and peo­ple. It’s one that has ornithol­o­gists are eager­ly lis­ten­ing: birdsong.


Mansfield’s new opportunity zones may lead to more investments in town

By: Antho­ny Zepperi
April 26, 2019
Newswrit­ing 2, UConn

There are 27 towns in Con­necti­cut with a fed­er­al­ly des­ig­nat­ed oppor­tu­ni­ty zone, Mans­field is the only rur­al town. These zones can attract busi­ness­es and eco­nom­ic opportunities. 

“There is a chance that there would be more restau­rants and hous­ing from these oppor­tu­ni­ty zones,” Mans­field Demo­c­ra­t­ic Town Coun­cil Mem­ber Ter­ry Berth­elot said.
(Pho­to by Antho­ny Zepperi)

Invest­ments can be made in these fed­er­al zones.  Some ben­e­fits are cap­i­tal gains and income, Court­ney Hen­dric­son, Vice Pres­i­dent of Munic­i­pal Ser­vices, for the Con­necti­cut Eco­nom­ic Resource Cen­ter, said.

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