Louisiana Underwater

In March 2016, five UConn Jour­nal­ism stu­dents in Prof. Bob Wyss’ envi­ron­men­tal jour­nal­ism course trav­eled with him to Louisiana to report on the envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenges in Louisiana.

The stu­dents — Kim­ber­ly Arm­strong, Dil­er Haji, Nicholas Shi­go, Char­lie Smart and Julia Werth — learned about the mechan­ics of envi­ron­men­tal beat report­ing on loca­tion. They spent the remain­der of the semes­ter pro­duc­ing a series of mul­ti­me­dia reports using a vari­ety of online sto­ry­telling forms.

View their project: Louisiana Under­wa­ter