Behind the Stories: How to cover Connecticut’s ‘hot mess’ of a governor’s race

In this episode of UConn Jour­nal­is­m’s Behind the Sto­ries pod­cast, the team talked to polit­i­cal reporters about the chal­lenges in cov­er­ing Con­necti­cut’s 2018 guber­na­to­r­i­al race.

Senior jour­nal­ism major Gra­cie Enright spoke to NBC Connecticut’s Max Reiss who explained the state’s elec­toral process and hur­dles ahead of elect­ing a new gov­er­nor come November.

Senior jour­nal­ism major Caio Goncalves inter­viewed Hart­ford Courant polit­i­cal reporter Neil Vig­dor about the crowd­ed race. Vig­dor said he finds him­self con­scious­ly reach­ing out to cam­paigns he hasn’t heard much from to ensure bal­anced and fair courage.

Junior jour­nal­ism major Riley McGin­nis spoke to CT News Junkie’s Chris­tine Stu­art, who revealed how her small pub­li­ca­tion keeps read­ers engaged in com­pli­cat­ed sto­ries such as the governor’s race.

Lis­ten to ‘Behind the Sto­ries’ on Sound­cloud.

Top pho­to: NBC Con­necti­cut Polit­i­cal reporter Max Reiss (pho­to cour­tesy of NBC Connecticut)