How to measure the success of a protest

By Adam Hushin, UConn Jour­nal­ism May 9, 2019 Free­dom of peace­ful assem­bly is one of the rights Amer­i­cans can exer­cise thanks to the First Amend­ment. Watch this ani­ma­tion to under­stand the recipe for a suc­cess­ful protest or ral­ly.   Lis­ten to an accom­pa­ny­ing “Behind the Sto­ries” pod­cast on Sound­cloud to under­stand what goes into orga­niz­ing a protestCon­tin­ue read­ing “How to mea­sure the suc­cess of a protest”

Behind the Stories: How To Cover Cannabis

There’s momen­tum in Con­necti­cut to legal­ize mar­i­jua­na for recre­ation­al use. Con­necti­cut’s brand new gov­er­nor, Ned Lam­ont, has made legal­iza­tion a pri­or­i­ty for his admin­is­tra­tion. It’s far from a done deal though. The change requires leg­isla­tive approval. And there are plen­ty of groups in Con­necti­cut opposed to the idea, cit­ing con­cerns about peo­ple dri­ving under the influ­ence, youth sub­stanceCon­tin­ue read­ing “Behind the Sto­ries: How To Cov­er Cannabis”