Behind the Stories: When Journalists Pivot into Politics

By Ryley McGin­nis, UConn Jour­nal­ism | May 9, 2019 Derek Slap, Mary Glass­man and Lon­nie Reed are three Con­necti­cut politi­cians who start­ed their careers in jour­nal­ism and made the switch to pol­i­tics. In this spe­cial ‘Behind the Sto­ries’ pod­cast, Slap, Glass­man and Reed out­line their moti­va­tions for going into jour­nal­ism, why they left the field forCon­tin­ue read­ing “Behind the Sto­ries: When Jour­nal­ists Piv­ot into Politics”

Behind the Stories podcast: How three women journalists found success covering sports

Mol­ly Qer­im is the co-host of ESP­N’s ‘First Take.’ Sports­writer and author Karen Crouse works at The New York Times. Gab­by Lucivero is a sports reporter at NBC Con­necti­cut. These three women jour­nal­ists talked with UConn Jour­nal­ism stu­dents about how they found suc­cess cov­er­ing the male-dom­i­nat­ed world of sports.