How Chris Brodeur ’10 broke into a new medium with the ‘UConn Insider’ podcast

By RYAN KIM Novem­ber 9, 2018 With UConn bas­ket­ball sea­son pick­ing up this week­end, we take you around the horn with a local Con­necti­cut jour­nal­ist who knows a thing or two about cham­pi­onships here at the bas­ket­ball cap­i­tal of the world. His expe­ri­ence comes from right here in Storrs as a 2010 UConn grad­u­ate. Chris Brodeur, aCon­tin­ue read­ing “How Chris Brodeur ’10 broke into a new medi­um with the ‘UConn Insid­er’ podcast”

Break the Huddle with Sports Journalist Sean Patrick Bowley

By RYAN KIM Octo­ber 12, 2018 Meet Sean Patrick Bow­ley, a do-it-all sports jour­nal­ist who is the edi­tor and pro­duc­er of Game­Time CT, Con­necti­cut’s pre­miere site for high school sports. Bow­ley said he did­n’t devel­op an inter­est in sports until the incep­tion of Mad­den NFL for the PC. Nowa­days, his day job involves a con­stant stream of high school sports. “Most ofCon­tin­ue read­ing “Break the Hud­dle with Sports Jour­nal­ist Sean Patrick Bowley”