Behind the Stories: How Connecticut journalists localize national stories

Our third “Behind the Sto­ries” pod­cast fea­tured NBC Con­necti­cut Chief Inves­tiga­tive Reporter Len Besthoff, who talked with UConn Jour­nal­is­m’s Gra­cie Enright about how he dis­cov­ers and cov­ers local inves­tiga­tive sto­ries. The Roundup fol­lowed how the NBC Con­necti­cut Trou­bleshoot­ers team helped expose a major patient abuse scan­dal at the Whit­ing Foren­sic state psy­chi­atric hos­pi­tal. Besthoff, a vet­er­anCon­tin­ue read­ing “Behind the Sto­ries: How Con­necti­cut jour­nal­ists local­ize nation­al stories”

#MeToo: Behind the Podcast

In a spe­cial edi­tion of UConn Jour­nal­is­m’s ‘Behind the Sto­ries’ pod­cast, we spoke with two Hart­ford Courant jour­nal­ists — Edi­to­r­i­al Page Edi­tor Car­olyn Lums­den and sports writer Desmond Con­ner — about two preva­lent top­ics in the news world: the #MeToo move­ment and the inter­sec­tion of sports and pol­i­tics. Car­olyn Lums­den has been work­ing for the Hart­ford Courant for overCon­tin­ue read­ing “#MeToo: Behind the Podcast”

Behind the Stories podcast: Connecticut budget battle & local elections

In this episode of UConn Jour­nal­is­m’s ‘Behind the Sto­ries’ pod­cast, the team ana­lyzes the sto­ry that kept on giv­ing dur­ing the Fall 2017 semes­ter: the Con­necti­cut bud­get bat­tle. UConn senior Caio Goncalves spoke toCT Mir­ror bud­get reporter Kei­th Pha­neuf, who broke down the many “hard choic­es” leg­is­la­tors had to make when it came down to even­tu­al­lyCon­tin­ue read­ing “Behind the Sto­ries pod­cast: Con­necti­cut bud­get bat­tle & local elections”