College Students Need a Detox from TikTok

By Macken­zie Camp­bell | UConn Journalism

On a sun­ny after­noon at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut, stu­dents hun­kered down with their lap­tops and books at the Homer Bab­bidge Library. In the library’s Book­worm Cafe, many stu­dents were on their phones, ignor­ing their work. Focused intent­ly on his lap­top among them was Ohm Ghutadaria, a junior major­ing in neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy, who recent­ly delet­ed Tik­Tok from his phone. Ghutadaria is one of many stu­dents who have noticed TikTok’s effect on their dai­ly life. 

The road to change: Why some residents of Avon refuse to take it

By Esther Ju | UConn Journalism

For years, Avon res­i­dents have trav­eled down Old Farms Road, observ­ing its bucol­ic sur­round­ings as they pass through. The route sym­bol­izes the rur­al lifestyle fos­tered by a small town, left vir­tu­al­ly unchanged since its ori­gins as a dirt road. Now, loom­ing plans to recon­struct Old Farms have sparked oppo­si­tion from some town dwellers, who fear the loss of its rus­tic charm and most of all, the era­sure of a cher­ished place.