

“A jour­nal­ist is just a nosy per­son who gets infor­ma­tion pro­fes­sion­al­ly”— Tama Moni

Wel­come to my pro­fes­sion­al site. Here you will find my resume and my orig­i­nal work, from print sto­ries to news pack­ages. My main inter­est lies with broad­cast news, but I am will­ing to work in any mul­ti­me­dia field. If you are look­ing for a jour­nal­ist who can have ver­sa­tile con­ver­sa­tions, think on-the-spot and has a pas­sion for jour­nal­ism chang­ing the world—I am that per­son. What I may lack in pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence, I more than make up for with my will­ing­ness to learn, grow and work in this field. 

If you would like to con­tact me, you can send your inquiries to my email. You may also con­nect with me on my Linkedin page and my Twit­ter page. 

Theme pho­to of March Against Racism in Mannheim, Ger­many, in 2018. Pho­to by Tama Moni.