Headshot of Bailey Wright in the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh this summer. (Photo by Matthew Zabierek)

Bai­ley Wright vis­it­ed Pitts­burgh’s Phipps Con­ser­va­to­ry in Sum­mer 2016. (Pho­to by Matthew Zabierek)

Wel­come to my project for the UConn course, Intro­duc­tion to Online Jour­nal­ism. I’m Bai­ley Wright, a senior at UConn and a psy­chol­o­gy and jour­nal­ism dou­ble major. I work for our inde­pen­dent, stu­dent-run school news­pa­per The Dai­ly Cam­pus as man­ag­ing editor.

I start­ed my edu­ca­tion in jour­nal­ism through an ini­tial­ly casu­al inter­est in pho­to­jour­nal­ism that has evolved into writ­ing, design­ing, and com­plet­ing mul­ti­me­dia projects. I hope to con­tribute to the field of jour­nal­ism in one way or anoth­er after graduation.

I want­ed to make this blog to explore the effect cli­mate change has had on my local com­mu­ni­ty. Cli­mate change is impor­tant to me as an avid Earth-user and some­one that cares about the future of our world. My page looks at the cur­rent drought lev­els in Con­necti­cut, some con­text and his­to­ry to the almost unno­ticed status.

I hope you find my page to be infor­ma­tive and help­ful. Feel free to com­ment and ask questions.