Pequots seek river name change to reflect native roots in eastern Connecticut 

By Aman­da McCard | UConn Jour­nal­ism Maps, jour­nals, books–if it’s a his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ment that ref­er­ences the Thames Riv­er in New Lon­don, Con­necti­cut, chances are good that Dr. Kevin McBride has stud­ied it. He’s not just an avid riv­er enthu­si­ast or a his­to­ry buff. He’s an archae­ol­o­gist on a mis­sion, per the request of the Mashan­tuck­etCon­tin­ue read­ing “Pequots seek riv­er name change to reflect native roots in east­ern Connecticut ”

Classroom Crisis: Connecticut Public Schools Face Ongoing Teacher Shortages

By Aman­da Amer­al | UConn Jour­nal­ism “Hell on earth” is the way Leslie Blat­teau described teach­ing dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. While Blat­teau, a 15-year teach­ing vet­er­an and Pres­i­dent of the New Haven Fed­er­a­tion of Teach­ers, has remained in the pro­fes­sion, many of her col­leagues have not. Sheena Gra­ham, 2019 Con­necti­cut Teacher of the Year, who taughtCon­tin­ue read­ing “Class­room Cri­sis: Con­necti­cut Pub­lic Schools Face Ongo­ing Teacher Shortages”