You Wanted a Hit — an Indie Music Newsletter for the College Set

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You Want­ed a Hit” is an indie music newslet­ter that caters to the col­le­giate set, and focus­es on the ins and outs of the music world, keep­ing young hip­sters rel­e­vant and up to date.




The Drums’ Ency­clo­pe­dia at Spin: The dark­est, most synth-heavy record yet from the surfer soul Brooklynites.

Alt-J’s This is All Yours at iTunes Radio: Will the Radio­head com­par­isons hold up for their sopho­more album?

John Darnielle’s, of the Moun­tain Goat’s, forth­com­ing nov­el, Wolf in a White Van at his per­son­al tum­blr.



Cel­e­brate the 10 year anniver­sary of Arcade Fire’s leg­endary Funer­al with Con­se­quence of Sound. The site takes “a key lyric” from each of album’s 10 tracks to pay respect to an album that has become an indie cornerstone.

But there was (and is) more to Funer­al than dark­ness. The uplift­ing orches­tra­tion, the feel­ing of com­mu­ni­ty, and the mas­sive­ly mem­o­rable sing-along cho­rus­es all work togeth­er to com­bat it.” — Con­se­quence of Sound

The band at the Grammy Awards in 2011 - photo courtesy of the AP
Arcade Fire at the Gram­my Awards in 2011 — pho­to cour­tesy of the AP




Bethany Cosenti­no, aka Best Coast, and her cat Snacks, appear in a PETA2 adver­tise­ment pro­mot­ing adop­tion and as well as a behind the scenes video. In it, we learn that Cosenti­no adopt­ed Snacks at the same time Best Coast start­ed, and he’s been with her the whole way. “It’s super impor­tant to devel­op that bond with ani­mals,” she says. Check it all out at Stere­ogum.


I in no way antic­i­pat­ed of the suc­cess of the ‘Gar­den State’ sound­track. It was just a mix­tape.” — Zach Braff

In an inter­view with NME, Zach Braff speaks about the effects of his ‘Gar­den State’ sound­track on the world of indie music and how it gave expo­sure to then lit­tle-known artists such as the Shins. He also speaks about  his new film, ‘Wish I Was Here,’ and its respec­tive sound­track. “It was real­ly won­der­ful that I got to col­lab­o­rate with peo­ple I real­ly look up to,” Braff says.

Zach Braff in a 2004 inter­view dur­ing the film­ing of ‘Gar­den State’ — pho­to cour­tesy of the AP



Chris Wal­la, gui­tarist of Death Cab for Cutie, per­formed with the band for the last time at the Rif­flan­dia Fes­ti­val in Vic­to­ria, British Colum­bia. Watch his very last song with the bandPlans’ soar­ing clas­sic, “March­ing Bands of Man­hat­tan,” and his emo­tion­al good­bye from the band. “Thank you so much for the last 17 years, Chris,” says Ben Gibbard.


Mike Skin­ner, of Kevin Devine’s God­damn Band and Mir­a­cle of ’86, passed away this week. Devine pays his respects on his per­son­al tum­blr:

Mike was my friend. He was charis­mat­ic, gen­er­ous, taste­ful, sin­gu­lar, bril­liant, hilar­i­ous; he was a whirl­wind, a mag­net.” — Kevin Devine




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