UConn’s CLAS Enrollment Exceeds Other Schools by a Landslide


Cre­at­ed on Infogr.am.com — https://infogr.am/total-undergraduate-enrollment-for-fall-2013
Cre­at­ed on Infogr.am.com — https://infogr.am/total-undergraduate-enrollment-for-fall-2013

Accord­ing to UCon­n’s Office of Insti­tu­tion­al Research, the uni­ver­si­ty’s Col­lege of Lib­er­al Arts and Sci­ences had a Fall 2013 enroll­ment of 10,346 under­grad­u­ates. This num­ber is near­ly five times that of the Engi­neer­ing School, which had an enroll­ment of 2,430.

To find out why CLAS was so pop­u­lar among UConn stu­dents, I spoke with the school’s Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er, Bri­an­na Diaz.

We have the most options for majors with 24 dif­fer­ent depart­ments,” said Diaz. “Each of those depart­ments have dif­fer­ent majors to offer so there’s no com­par­i­son to oth­er schools or colleges.”

Accord­ing to the CLAS web­page, the col­lege alone offers over 50% of all class­es taught at the uni­ver­si­ty, approx­i­mate­ly 4,000 class­es per semes­ter. Its home to more than 700 staff mem­bers and spends over $29 mil­lion per year on research.

Anoth­er rea­son why the school is so attrac­tive is because it pro­vides stu­dents with a well-round­ed edu­ca­tion. Diaz says that they val­ue inter­dis­ci­pli­nary stud­ies and require stu­dents to engage in class­es involv­ing human­i­ties and social sci­ences. Junior stu­dent Mag­gie Wia­tr said that this is exact­ly the rea­son why she decid­ed to enroll in the first place, before she knew what exact­ly she want­ed to study.

I real­ly felt like they offered me the most options and would help me decide what I want­ed to major in,” said Wia­tr. “I want­ed to get a lit­tle bit of every­thing to get a bet­ter idea of what was right for me.”

Diaz says that in terms of enroll­ment, CLAS will be home to a larg­er num­ber of under­grad­u­ates every year.

It’s con­sis­tent­ly greater than the oth­er schools and col­leges, so as the gen­er­al enroll­ment at UConn increas­es, so does our enroll­ment at CLAS.

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