UConn student Dongni Miao’s online reputation

This is the screenshot when I searched my Chinese name by using the Baidu. The first one is my Renren account, the second one is my Weibo account. (photo by Dongni Miao)
This is the screen­shot when I searched my Chi­nese name by using the Baidu. The first one is my Ren­ren account, the sec­ond one is my Wei­bo account.

In Chi­na, because Google is banned to use, peo­ple always use the Baidu as a search engine. When I search “缪冬妮“ which is my Chi­nese name, because there is only a few peo­ple named “缪冬妮” in Chi­na, I found almost all the pages show the infor­ma­tion about me. In the first page of my results, I feel so lucky that my name is unique. When oth­ers want to know some­thing about me, the infor­ma­tion they get online is almost all about me. The first two results were my pro­file infor­ma­tion of social media (Ren­ren, Wei­bo).

A screen shot of my home page of my Renren account. It shows my basic information online. (Photo by Dongni Miao)
A screen shot of my home page of my Ren­ren account. It shows my basic infor­ma­tion online.

The first one com­ing is my Ren­ren account, it is a social media which is like the Face­book in Unit­ed States. I have 818 friends in Ren­ren. Because my account is pub­lic, every­one can be avail­able to see my infor­ma­tion and posts. I changed my account from pri­vate to pub­lic last year because I want to be jour­nal­ist in the future, change my account to pub­lic will be more eas­i­ly for oth­ers to know more about me.

A screen shot of my Weibo account.
A screen shot of my Wei­bo account.

The sec­ond on is my Wei­bo account. Wei­bo is a social media like Twit­ter. I can cre­ate a nick name and post every­thing I want to say. How­ev­er, I don’t think Wei­bo is a good way to know some­one, because every­one can use the nick name. It is dif­fi­cult for oth­ers to search you and know what you are look­ing at and what you are post­ing. But there are still many peo­ple use their real name on Wei­bo, espe­cial­ly the stars, edi­tors, boss­es of the com­pa­nies. I am luck­i­ly that I have 831 fol­low­ers and I am hap­py to share my sto­ry and opin­ion of what hap­pen everyday.

A screen shot of my report on 2012.
A screen shot of my report on 2012.

When I scrolling down, I found there were two reports were writ­ten by me. On 2012, I got an oppor­tu­ni­ty to work as an intern for a news­pa­per, named Jiangyin Dai­ly News­pa­per. Dur­ing this peri­od, the edi­tor of Jiangyin Dai­ly News­pa­per, Wei­hong Cheng taught me how to write the news and how to inter­view oth­ers to get the use­ful infor­ma­tion. It was my first step to be a jour­nal­ist in the future, I am hap­py that this infor­ma­tion was shown on the first page. It will be a good stan­dard to eval­u­ate my jour­nal­ism skill when I apply for the job in the future.

Although there are many infor­ma­tion about me online, I would still rate my online rep­u­ta­tion as “poor”, the most impor­tant rea­son is there is no image about me when I used Baidu as the search engine. I think the rea­son of no image of me online is I blocked all my albums online which means only my friends can see pho­tos. To be hon­est, my dig­i­tal foot­print reflects poor­ly on me, because almost all the infor­ma­tion is got from the social media, I think I need more infor­ma­tion to show my jour­nal­ism pro­fes­sion­al skills.

After fin­ish­ing my intern in the News­pa­per, I found I need to post the things and image prop­er­ly online. As a jour­nal­ist, seek the truth and report the truth is the most impor­tant thing for me. I need to con­cern every prob­lems and every­thing hap­pen around me objec­tive­ly. The chance is equal for every­one, if I make a mis­take, then any­one else can have the chance to replace me. For me, to be a hon­est per­son and be ener­getic, pas­sion­ate for­ev­er is very important.


Engag­ing your audience

We live in an ever more chal­leng­ing and com­plex world. Hold­ing gov­ern­ment, cor­po­ra­tions and insti­tu­tions account­able is increas­ing­ly vital. A work­ing democ­ra­cy relies on fair, accu­rate and thor­ough infor­ma­tion that is dis­trib­uted wide­ly, con­sumed wide­ly and respect­ed for its credibility. ”

As a jour­nal­ist, it is impor­tant to let audi­ence trust us. The world become more com­plex because of the web, social medias. Peo­ple can post every­thing online what they want to say, how­ev­er, what peo­ple say is not always the truth. How to get the cred­i­bil­i­ty from audi­ences is a dif­fi­cult prob­lem jour­nal­ists need to face. As Richard Gin­gras & Sal­ly Lehrman men­tioned in their trust project Online Chaos Demands Rad­i­cal Action by Jour­nal­ism to Earn Trust,Media cred­i­bil­i­ty has been a chal­lenge for decades and is far more so today.

In my opin­ion, the most impor­tant thing to engage your audi­ence is to let your audi­ence know you well. As many jour­nal­ists do in their Face­book, Twit­ter accounts, put a clear pho­to, post the pub­lished work and put the true con­tact infor­ma­tion, it is a good way to show audi­ence and let them feel very know you, it will let your audi­ence feel you are believ­able. Because the job of jour­nal­ists is to seek the truth and report it, to intro­duce your­self with true details will help you to win the cred­i­bil­i­ty from your audiences.

Besides, If I can write the report as a jour­nal­ist, I will pay more atten­tion on my cita­tions and cor­rec­tions. Accord­ing to the article,“Citations and more spe­cif­ic links would allow audi­ences to assess their effort and accu­ra­cy. An effec­tive sys­tem would also allow audi­ences to alert edi­tors to per­ceived inac­cu­ra­cies, as the Report an Error Alliance has pro­posed, and fol­low corrections.“When audi­ences are allowed to ass­es their effort and accu­ra­cy, the cred­i­bil­i­ty you may get from your audiences.

Now, Jour­nal­ists are expect­ed to be con­ver­sa­tion lead­ers and mod­er­a­tors, and not just “broad­cast­ers” of infor­ma­tion, actu­al­ly, i am com­fort­able about this new role. As a jour­nal­ist, I hope my arti­cles can influ­ence oth­ers, and attract more audiences.

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