Your Explanatory Story Ideas

Your explanatory story should provide an in-depth answer to a question about an issue, topic, history, or process. Image by
Your explana­to­ry sto­ry should pro­vide an in-depth answer to a ques­tion about an issue, top­ic, his­to­ry, or process. Image by


Here are the explana­to­ry sto­ry ideas you’ve pitched so far. YOUR PROJECT DRAFT IS DUE ON THURSDAY, NOV. 20

Sam Ori­gin of ‘Movem­ber’ and oth­er viral fundraisers
Saman­tha UConn and deaf awareness
Eri­ca The $$ behind UConn bas­ket­ball exhi­bi­tion games
Zarrin What’s the state of Hunger in Mansfield?
Jack Why does col­lege tuition keep rising?
Katie ‪U.S. inter­ven­tions abroad since Vietnam‬
Brooke ‪His­to­ry of Fash­ion Week‬
Matt ‪Trends in Men­tal Health Ser­vices for col­lege students
Jor­dan ‪Role of RAs in stu­dents’ tran­si­tion to college‬
Nicole ‪How music stream­ing works: Is it help­ful or hurt­ful to musicians?
Dal­ton Why is the Rop­er Cen­ter leav­ing UConn
Daniel What’s a GMO?
Dong­ni Why does UConn have so many inter­na­tion­al stu­dents from China?
Eddie Does Social Media Ruin Social Skills?
Jen­na What Young Women Should Know About Breast Cancer
Nick The Recent Impact of Con­tro­ver­sies on UConn Greek Life

Author: Marie K. Shanahan

Marie K. Shanahan is an associate professor and head of the Department of Journalism at the University of Connecticut.

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