Free camp, free time for adults

By: Antho­ny Zepperi
July 17, 2020
The Wind­sor Journal

Are you a grand­par­ent or fam­i­ly mem­ber rais­ing grand- chil­dren? Would your kids enjoy a free week of camp while you enjoy a week of respite and relax­ation? Then, Windsor’s Sum­mer Fun Camps are per­fect. And the camp is offered free of charge for one week thanks to a grant from the NCAA (Nation­al Col­le­giate Ath­let­ic Association).

Recre­ation Direc­tor Shan­non Ble­nis, front right and Camp Direc­tor Tyler, front left dur­ing the camp. Pho­to by Antho­ny Zepperi

Jas­mine Hill, social ser­vices direc­tor, said that the idea of a week of relax­ation for grand­par­ents came about due to con­cerns with opioids.

The idea of respite came from the increas­es we were see­ing in grand­par­ents and oth­er rel­a­tives rais­ing sec­ond fam­i­lies,” Hill said. “Research has shown that since the opi­oid cri­sis, more and more extend­ed fam­i­ly mem­bers were hav­ing to raise chil­dren due to par­ents inabil­i­ty to do so.”

Accord­ing to Hill, the camp col­lab­o­rat­ed with the Recre­ation Depart­ment in response to this research.

Offer­ing care­tak­ers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a short respite at no charge was an inno­v­a­tive idea and a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to col­lab­o­rate with the Recre­ation Depart­ment,” Hill said.

Hill said that grand­par­ents are find­ing it dif­fi­cult to have finan­cial stability.

Care­tak­ers find the finances to be dif­fi­cult in that they were not plan­ning for addi­tion­al expens­es after retire­ment and have lim­it­ed and fixed incomes,” Hill said.

Campers also receive a free lunch and break­fast pro­vid­ed by the BOE every day. Chil­dren between the ages of 5 to 13 are eli­gi­ble and grand-par­ents must be over 55 years old and have legal guardianship.

More on the sum­mer camps

One week of the camp is free for gran­par­ents and care­tak­ers, but Wind­sor has a great deal for every­one else too.

The sum­mer camp costs only $145 per week for oth­er par­tic­i­pants and the town offers a lot of finan­cial help — from schol­ar­ships cov­er­ing 50 per­cent of the cost for those who qual­i­fy (but they are lim­it­ed in num­ber) to install­ment plans.

Shan­non Ble­nis, recre­ation super­vi­sor, said that the camp, is filled with fun activ­i­ties for kids to par­tic­i­pate in.

The camp day is full of arts and crafts, games, sports, activ­i­ties, cre­ative move­ment activ­i­ties, swim­ming, water play, read­ing, STEM activ­i­ties, and spe­cial events,” Ble­nis said.
Ble­nis said that the camp is adher­ing to the guide­lines put in place by the state to fight the nov­el coronavirus.

There were many safe­ty mod­i­fi­ca­tions due to Covid-19,” Ble­nis said. “The Sum­mer Fun Camps are adher­ing to all State guide­lines required and imple- ment­ing more pre­cau­tions that are not required.”

Ble­nis said that there has been a pos­i­tive response by kids who have attend­ed the camps in the past.

Last Sum­mer we sur­veyed all campers and asked if they had fun at Sum­mer Fun Camp and received a 99 per­cent yes rat­ing on the sur­vey,” Ble­nis noted.

Ble­nis said that the num­bers this year are vast­ly dif­fer­ent due
to COVID-19.

This sum­mer is very dif­fer­ent even though our num­bers are a third of what they nor- mal­ly are due to state guide- lines,” Ble­nis said. “There are many mod­i­fi­ca­tions that we need to fol­low because at the end of the day, these kids have not seen oth­er kids, teach­ers, men­tors, and friends since March and they are so hap­py to get back to normal.”

To adhere to state guide­lines, Ble­nis said that the games involve social distancing.

Campers are engag­ing in social­ly dis­tant games, activ­i­ties, swim­ming, spe­cial events, even a vis­it from the Yard­goats mas- cots,” Ble­nis said. “We are still doing our very best to give campers the best sum­mer ever!”

The camp is in three loca­tions which are the L.P Wil­son Cen­ter, Clover Street Ele­men­tary School and on 330 Wind­sor Ave.

There is lim­it­ed space avail­able so apply as soon as pos­si­ble if inter­est­ed. Appli­ca­tions will be processed until camp is full. To apply, call Deb Shel­don at (860)-285‑1839.