Tak­ing a Clos­er Look at Reli­gion in Japan

By Cami­la Valle­jo | Port­fo­lio 3111 | Novem­ber 3, 2018

Japan became my class­room for four months dur­ing the spring semes­ter of my junior year. Whether i was vis­it­ing ani­me cen­tral in Tokyo, admir­ing the his­toric sites in Kyoto or remem­ber­ing those lost in Hiroshi­ma, Japan offered a vari­ety of unique expe­ri­ences. I will cher­ish for­ev­er the mem­o­ry of the reli­gious sites I vis­it­ed, rep­re­sent­ing the beliefs of the Japan­ese people.

Con­necti­cut Father Fac­ing Depor­ta­tion Receives Sup­port from Lawmakers

By Cami­la Valle­jo | Uni­vi­sion Intern­ship | August 2017

A depor­ta­tion notice can seem like some­thing sim­ple to immi­gra­tion offi­cials, but to an undoc­u­ment­ed immi­grant it often means death for those flee­ing vio­lence in their home coun­tries. Joel Col­in­dres, with no crim­i­nal record and mar­ried to a US cit­i­zen, received a removal notice despite doing every­thing by the book. Now his lawyer, along­side CT law­mak­ers, are appeal­ing for an emer­gency request for stay in hopes of keep­ing his fam­i­ly together.

Update: Despite con­stant efforts, Col­in­dres was deport­ed to Guatemala in Feb­ru­ary 2018