
In March 2012 sev­en stu­dents in an envi­ron­men­tal jour­nal­ism course at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut under the guid­ance of their instruc­tor, Bob Wyss, trav­eled to South Flori­da. Their task was to report on the state of the Ever­glades more than 11 years after fed­er­al and state offi­cials agreed to spend more than $13 bil­lion restor­ing the dam­aged ecosys­tem. This is their report.

Use this inter­ac­tive map to fol­low UCon­n’s envi­ron­men­tal jour­nal­ists through South Flori­da, as they report on dif­fer­ent aspects of the Ever­glades and its rehabilitation.