Grocery shopping usually a mundane task, but at Trader Joe’s, people can’t get enough

By THOMAS ROBERG, UConn Jour­nal­ism Decem­ber 14, 2019 Trad­er Joe’s was estab­lished in 1958, and since then has grown to almost 500 stores nation­al­ly.  It has gained a cult-like fol­low­ing from its cus­tomers.  In this pod­cast, I take a first-time shop­per there to get gro­ceries, and explore the brands eccen­tric­i­ties.  In fact, the store only sellsCon­tin­ue read­ing “Gro­cery shop­ping usu­al­ly a mun­dane task, but at Trad­er Joe’s, peo­ple can’t get enough”