Zarrin’s online reputation is clean and stretches the globe

Zarrin Ahmed shakes the hand of the Archbishop of the Diocese of Hartford while receiving her high school diploma, 2011. (David Moran/ Manchester Patch)
Zarrin Ahmed shakes the hand of the Arch­bish­op of the Dio­cese of Hart­ford while receiv­ing her high school diplo­ma, 2011. (David Moran/ Man­ches­ter Patch)

I thought my name was unique. Turns out, there are a lot of oth­er Zarrin Ahmed’s out there in the world, and many of them aren’t in the U.S.

Good news is, the sites that these impos­tors have are less than mediocre, and they make no sense to me as an American.

The bad news is, my name will be hid­den amongst the rest. The most shock­ing of them was a Zarrin Ahmed on YouTube who ONLY posts videos of One Direc­tion’s Zayn Malik. This was outrageous.

Most of my online rep­u­ta­tion is filled with news clip­pings from the Dai­ly Cam­pus. I’ve been blessed with four years of con­tent pub­lished online: arti­cles and pic­tures. My Face­book has a lot of game: an image search will prompt pic­tures I’ve tak­en for DC but also some of my pro­file pictures.

The most inter­est­ing thing I found was an arti­cle and pho­to gallery cen­tered on my class grad­u­a­tion from East Catholic in 2011 on Man­ches­ter Patch’s web­site. That’s where I found that awe­some pic­ture up top.

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