Online reputation: “Everlasting Impressions”

Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 11.06.37 PM
Googling my name: Google thinks I got it wrong (Pho­to cour­tesy screen grab)


When I Googled, I laughed, because Google asked me if I meant: “Daniel Can­dela,” instead of “Daniel Can­del­la,” as if, I did­n’t know my own name, or I did­n’t exist.  If you get past the point that Google does­n’t know every­thing and con­tin­ue to scroll, part of my life is there.  I was shocked at what I found.  I assumed, hav­ing writ­ten arti­cles for The Dai­ly Cam­pus I would obvi­ous­ly find them.  What I did­n’t think I would find, is that sev­er­al Islam­ic and Euro­pean web­sites have “aggre­gat­ed” and in some, even false­ly quot­ed my article.

The blog "Iron Burka" falsely quoting my online work. (Image courtesy screen grab).
The blog “Iron Bur­ka” false­ly quot­ing my online work. (Image cour­tesy screen grab).


The blog, “Iron Bur­ka” sug­gests that there is anger over “foods sac­ri­ficed to the evil, Anti-christ Allah at the Dai­ly Cam­pus”. This is com­plete­ly false.  The arti­cle was about Mus­lim stu­dents, dis­ap­point­ed over the lack of selec­tion for Halal din­ing at UConn.

Oth­er than my Dai­ly Cam­pus arti­cles, my “vir­tu­al foot­print”, is vir­tu­al­ly non-existent. 

Hope­ful­ly, as my career builds so will my port­fo­lio online.  So far, I think my rep­u­ta­tion is good.

As a jour­nal­ist, rep­u­ta­tion is every­thing.  This assign­ment and class has real­ly made me ques­tion what is pri­vate and what is pub­lic for every­ones eyes.  We must be mind­ful, that Sat­ur­days par­ty, might not be the best option to post on Sun­day.  If we want to be pro­fes­sion­als we have to act so.

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