Beautiful Smiles Family Dentistry Provides More Than Clean Teeth

Doc­tor Robert Kievit and dog Lucy. 2018. Pho­to by Ryley McGinnis.

Beau­ti­ful Smiles, a fam­i­ly den­tistry prac­tice in West Hart­ford, has its very own ther­a­py dog named Lucy, who assists patients with anx­i­ety about going to the dentist. 

By Ryley McGinnis

Beau­ti­ful Smiles fam­i­ly den­tistry in West Hart­ford has all the typ­i­cal bells and whis­tles of a mod­ern den­tist office – plus a wag­ging tail. 

Lucy, Beau­ti­ful Smiles’ very own ther­a­py dog, is a 4‑year-old gold­en retriev­er whose favorite hob­by is just to be around peo­ple, Dr. Robert Kievit told Kievit and his wife, Dr. Alyssa McIn­tyre Kievit, who are both den­tists at the prac­tice, got Lucy when she was just a pup­py and orig­i­nal­ly didn’t plan on get­ting her cer­ti­fied as a ther­a­py dog. 

She was orig­i­nal­ly just going to be our fam­i­ly dog,” said Kievit. “But now it’s great that we can bring her to work with us some days.” 

Lucy had to attend eight weeks of train­ing and pass two exams, one with Kievit and one with his wife since they are sep­a­rate han­dlers. Lucy can be found lying in her bed or strewn across the tile floor behind a gate near the front desk of the prac­tice. Lucy isn’t let out into the prac­tice with­out per­mis­sion from patients and must have one of her han­dlers close by. 

We let her out and she’ll go to the peo­ple at the front desk, go sit with them in the wait­ing room and just dis­tract them,” said Kievit. He said that he has seen direct improve­ments in patients’ anx­i­eties about going to the den­tist. “There’s a high lev­el of patients who have anx­i­ety about going to the den­tist, so with Lucy here it’s like they’re just going to see her and it helps,” said Kievit. 

Kievit said that it’s not just kids or adults that uti­lize Lucy to reduce anx­i­ety; a wide range of patients like to see her. Some may not even have that much anx­i­ety, but still think it’s just nice to see and pet a dog, said Kievit. 

Both Kievit and his wife grad­u­at­ed from den­tal school at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut in Farm­ing­ton in 2013. They bought Beau­ti­ful Smiles in Jan­u­ary of 2018 and have been bring­ing Lucy in from the start. 

And as for Lucy, she nev­er “works” a day in her life. Kievit said Lucy loves to be around peo­ple, and nev­er likes to be alone. “She’s always excit­ed to come to the prac­tice and spend time with peo­ple,” said Kievit. 

For patients with aller­gies or a fear of dogs, Lucy is kept com­plete­ly sep­a­rate from them when they come in or Lucy doesn’t come to the office that day at all. They make a note in the chart, and make sure to accom­mo­date each patient, said Kievit. 

The biggest thing is the fur, some­times it’s like she’s molt­ing she sheds so much,” Kievit said. Kievit said a cleanup crew comes in and vac­u­ums up all the fur on the floor (and some­times the walls) that Lucy leaves behind before the next busi­ness day to keep the prac­tice clean. 

Out­side of work, Kievit said he hopes to get more involved with Lucy in the com­mu­ni­ty, and it seems that as long as Lucy is around peo­ple, she will be happy.

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