Sydney Jennings Portfolio

SYDNEY JENNINGS  works as a free­lance writer for Study Breaks Mag­a­zine ,  writ­ing one arti­cle a week about top­ics per­tain­ing to col­lege life. She has also worked for The Tab UConn , the local site of a nation­al online pub­li­ca­tion, where she cov­ered break­ing news sto­ries on cam­pus. They includ­ed sto­ries about six stu­dents who were arrest­ed in con­nec­tion with the acci­den­tal death of a stu­dent, and a protest that was held after Pres­i­dent Don­ald J. Trump was elected. 

As a stu­dent, she has worked as the newslet­ter edi­tor for the UConn Wom­en’s Cen­ter where she wrote arti­cles, edit­ed and pro­duced their online newslet­ter, Voic­es. She also has writ­ten in-depth sto­ries about men­tal health aware­ness on cam­pus, and a pub­lic school con­tro­ver­sy that divid­ed the town of Mansfield.

This port­fo­lio includes pub­lished work, school work and a tele­vi­sion pack­age that reflect her abil­i­ties as an online journalist.