7 Things Every College Student Needs in Their First Apartment

This list is to make sure you don’t suffer from the nightmare of preparing to move from your dorm room to your new apartment.

Well, you did it. You found that dream apart­ment. You final­ly moved out of that small, rinky-dink col­lege dorm room equipped with a twen­ty-year-old twin-size bed that smelled like feet, a few inch­es sep­a­rat­ing you and your room­mate and an old rick­ety desk that you nev­er used.

Now, you moved up in the world and are try­ing to be a real adult with your first col­lege apart­ment. Per­haps you’re mov­ing to an apart­ment pro­vid­ed by your col­lege or uni­ver­si­ty, or you some­how con­vinced your par­ents to co-sign a lease for you in an off-cam­pus apart­ment that is a lit­tle nicer than the col­lege-owned property.

Regard­less, you are now becom­ing a real-life adult with a real-life apart­ment with, most like­ly, your own room, kitchen and bath­room instead of the com­mu­nal ones that you shared with an entire floor of co-eds. Even though you prob­a­bly have room­mates, shar­ing an apart­ment with three or four oth­er peo­ple is def­i­nite­ly more ide­al than shar­ing a dorm room with them.

You’re prob­a­bly super excit­ed right now as you and your room­mates are try­ing to map out exact­ly what you need for your new pad to make it your new home for the next year or two. To be hon­est, you’re prob­a­bly sur­prised at how much stuff you will actu­al­ly need in your new apart­ment, much of which you didn’t even think you need­ed until now, such as a can or wine open­er. Yes, sim­ple things like that get over­looked all the time when col­lege stu­dents are mov­ing from a dorm room to an apart­ment because you’ve nev­er had to wor­ry about bring­ing small house­hold items. All you’ve had to wor­ry about so far is bring­ing bed­ding, bed ris­ers that you most like­ly didn’t use, toi­letries, cloth­ing, a microwave if you’re the room­mate that got stuck with that task and a mini-fridge to house all of your cheap alcohol.

Being in an apart­ment is very dif­fer­ent from liv­ing in uni­ver­si­ty hous­ing and you will need a pletho­ra of things for your new home. But don’t wor­ry, this arti­cle has got you cov­ered. Here are the 7 things every col­lege stu­dent needs for their new apartment.

1. Wine opener

You will need this lit­tle guy before you can enjoy your much need­ed glass of wine. Pho­to cred­it: Bar Product

As pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed in this arti­cle, a wine open­er is a cru­cial yet fre­quent­ly over­looked neces­si­ty for every col­lege apart­ment. By the time you have moved into an apart­ment, you would have been most like­ly old enough to legal­ly drink, so instead of drink­ing cheap liquor, you will resort to drink­ing cheap wine. You will be sur­prised at how many times you will actu­al­ly need a wine open­er. Whether you are try­ing to cook a nice pas­ta din­ner for your room­mates with red wine or enjoy­ing a glass or two of white wine while hang­ing out with friends, you will def­i­nite­ly be hap­py that you brought one.

2. Inspi­ra­tional posters

Every­one in a col­lege dorm room hangs posters up on their wall; they’re most like­ly posters from their favorite movie, actor or sports team. How­ev­er, when you move into an apart­ment, you prob­a­bly want to upgrade those posters to reflect your upgrad­ed liv­ing arrange­ment. Inspi­ra­tional posters or wall decals will make you feel like a cham­pi­on upper­class­man. These posters will help you stay sane dur­ing finals week as well because, let’s be hon­est, you will need a pep talk before you take on that full week of exams and papers.

3. Cof­fee maker

You will soon real­ize what a life saver this machine is. Pho­to cred­it: Williams Sonoma

Hav­ing a cof­fee mak­er at your apart­ment will be a life saver. When you lived on cam­pus, your din­ing hall prob­a­bly had free cof­fee that you could drink when­ev­er you want­ed. How­ev­er, now that you’re liv­ing in an apart­ment, you’ll need to make your own. Whether you need a jolt of caf­feine for your 8 a.m. class, a mid-after­noon pick-me-up or some­thing to help you pull an all-nighter, you will be glad that you have that cof­fee mak­er to help you. You’ll also save a lot of mon­ey by mak­ing your own cof­fee instead of spend­ing around $5 or $6 on your favorite Star­bucks or Dunkin’ Donuts drink every day.

4. Clean­ing supplies

Any clean­ing sup­plies, espe­cial­ly mul­ti­pur­pose wipes, are essen­tial for any home, espe­cial­ly a col­lege apart­ment. Mul­ti­pur­pose wipes are great for an easy and quick clean up when you are in a hur­ry or when you’re feel­ing lazy. Oth­er sim­ple clean­ing sup­plies such as a broom and vac­u­um will also become your most handy clean­ing tools because they allow for a quick cleanup before and after that row­dy night with your friends.

5. Stor­age

Just like when you moved into a dorm, you will need a lot of stor­age for your first apart­ment. Most first apart­ments for col­lege stu­dents are small and cramped, which is why they are so afford­able for those on a strict bud­get, so you are going to want a lot of stor­age space to keep all of your belong­ings. Bring along that under-the-bed stor­age from your dorm room and any stor­age bins you had as well. You will need to store things that you nev­er thought you would have to, such as dif­fer­ent clothes for the chang­ing sea­sons, pots and pans that don’t fit in your kitchen, extra bed­ding and any oth­er excess stuff that you and your room­mates brought mul­ti­ple sets of.

6. Dry erase board

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion has nev­er been eas­i­er with the help of a dry erase board. Pho­to cred­it: SDC

Dry erase boards will become your best friend in your apart­ment. You and your room­mates can use them for basi­cal­ly any­thing such as gro­cery lists, a cal­en­dar of upcom­ing events to keep track of everyone’s hec­tic sched­ules, a chore list for every­one in the apart­ment to make sure they are doing their part to help keep the apart­ment nice and tidy, and even lit­tle reminder notes to remind your­selves of any upcom­ing home­work, projects or the dread­ed par­ents visits.

7. Tool kit

A tool kit will be your sav­ing grace when­ev­er any­thing breaks in your new apart­ment, and things will break at one point or anoth­er. Whether you have a leaky faucet, a bro­ken chair leg or just some inspi­ra­tional posters that need to be hung, you will need a tool kit for most­ly any­thing. You want to be pre­pared for basi­cal­ly any­thing that goes wrong in your apart­ment so you don’t have to rely on your land­lord all of the time.

6 Essential Items Every College Student Needs on Their Holiday Wish List

Is your wish list ready for the gifting season?

Well, it’s offi­cial­ly the hol­i­day sea­son with Pep­per­mint Mocha Lat­te offered in every café, hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions in every store and, even though we haven’t even made it through Thanks­giv­ing yet, hol­i­day music play­ing soft­ly in your favorite cof­fee shop.

This is also around the time that col­lege stu­dents are metic­u­lous­ly count­ing down the days until finals are over and they can final­ly go home and get some seri­ous rest, have a home-cooked meal, sleep in a bed that doesn’t feel like rocks, see their friends from high school and more impor­tant­ly, give and receive some gifts.

The hol­i­days are a time for giv­ing and col­lege stu­dents love this sea­son more than any­one else because, well, they’re broke. When you’re younger, you can’t wait for the hol­i­days because you get time off of school to be with your loved ones, eat a great hol­i­day meal of your family’s choos­ing and get lots and lots of gifts. It’s the same when you’re in col­lege, but the dif­fer­ence is that every col­lege stu­dent is too broke to buy them­selves any­thing, so the hol­i­days turn into a time to get all of the neces­si­ties (with­out actu­al­ly pay­ing for them).

Need some new clothes that haven’t been stained by a beer show­er from a frat par­ty? Put it in on your wish list. Need a new lap­top after you spilled some ramen on yours? Wish list. Need some extra snacks to stash in your clos­et after devour­ing all of your sup­plies a week into school? Def­i­nite­ly put Pud­ding Snacks and Gold­fish on your wish list.

You prob­a­bly have already thought through your wish list for the hol­i­day sea­son, but if you haven’t and your par­ents are pres­sur­ing you to write it all down or you just want some more ideas, here are six essen­tial items that every col­lege stu­dent needs on their wish list this hol­i­day season.

1. A gift card to your favorite cof­fee shop

Gift cards are prac­ti­cal and versatile–the per­fect gift for col­lege stu­dents. Pho­to cred­it: CNET

I’m sure the cof­fee that they have at your schools din­ing hall is pret­ty good, maybe a sol­id four on a scale of one to ten? But let’s be hon­est, you are always crav­ing your favorite lat­te, mac­chi­a­to or spe­cial iced cof­fee that Dunkin Donuts or Star­bucks makes. A gift card is always a prac­ti­cal item on any wish list and a card to your favorite cof­fee shop will come in handy when you need a pick-me-up dur­ing those long nights study­ing in the library.

2. A heavy-duty case for all of your tech gadgets

Every­body nowa­days has a case for all of their tech gad­gets; they would be basi­cal­ly naked with­out them. How­ev­er, when you’re in col­lege, you need a case that can with­stand a lot of dam­age. Let’s say while you’re try­ing to take a cute self­ie at a par­ty, some­one drunk­en­ly bumps into you and your phone drops. Or, you fall asleep after watch­ing Net­flix until  2 a.m. and your lap­top falls off your bed. Any­thing can hap­pen at col­lege and you have to pre­pare your expen­sive tech gad­gets. A good case that is going to last through all of the unex­pect­ed things that hap­pen in col­lege is def­i­nite­ly a necessity.

3. Mon­ey for textbooks

You can always use some help with the text­book cost. Pho­to cred­it: 99.9 KEKB

It’s no secret that text­books can get very expen­sive. Nobody knows exact­ly why it costs around $100 for a biol­o­gy text­book that you’ll use for one semes­ter, but you’re going to need that over­priced book. So, hav­ing some extra cash to help pay for your books next semes­ter will help a lot. Or, you can opt to ask for a gift card to your school’s book­store that you can use on books or any oth­er school sup­plies that you may need.

4. New shoes

You might not think putting new shoes on your wish list is a must, but it is. When you went back-to-school shop­ping, you prob­a­bly already bought some new shoes to go along with that new top or pair of pants. But over the semes­ter, they have prob­a­bly seen some hor­rif­ic scenes and have got­ten beat­en up pret­ty bad­ly. From the dirty, mud filled tail­gates to the rainy days on cam­pus when you’ve had to run to shel­ter, they have seen some ups and down, and they’ve prob­a­bly even had a few alco­holic bev­er­ages spilled on them at a par­ty. If any of these things have hap­pened to your shoes, you prob­a­bly need a new pair or two depend­ing on how rough your semes­ter was, so you are def­i­nite­ly going to want to put new shoes on your wish list.

5. Noise-can­celling headphones

Noise-can­celling head­phones are a neces­si­ty in col­lege where you rarely have a moment of com­plete silence either to study or just to get lost in your own head. With noise-can­celling head­phones, you can lis­ten to music and drown out the noise around you. You can just put them on while study­ing or writ­ing a paper so that you can real­ly focus on your work. They are per­fect in the gym, the library or your dorm room when your room­mate has friends over.

6. Polaroid camera

A polaroid cam­era will per­fect­ly cap­ture your beloved col­lege mem­o­ries. Pho­to cred­it: Dark­room and Dearly

In col­lege, you will make some pret­ty incred­i­ble mem­o­ries, so you’re going to need a cam­era that cap­tures those moments. While you can use your smart phone to take pic­tures, they will most like­ly just stay on your phone until you run out of stor­age and have to delete some. A polaroid cam­era is a lit­tle vin­tage, but you can print your pho­tos instant­ly and hang them in your dorm room for dec­o­ra­tion. Plus, polaroid cam­eras already have a fil­ter, so you can save time with edit­ing your photos.