Video Profile: UConn Animal Science Major Isabella Aristizabal

By Esther Ju, Visu­al Jour­nal­ism | April 17, 2023 For my final project for JOUR3065: Visu­al Jour­nal­ism, I filmed and edit­ed a short video pro­file about my sub­ject, Isabel­la ‘Izzy’ Aris­ti­z­a­bal, who I had been pho­tograph­ing dur­ing most of the semes­ter. As I got to know Izzy, I learned more about her child­hood spent in Colom­biaCon­tin­ue read­ing “Video Pro­file: UConn Ani­mal Sci­ence Major Isabel­la Aristizabal”

Next chapter of UConn Men’s Ice Hockey causing hesitation

By Con­nor Don­ahue | UConn Jour­nal­ism May 21, 2019 Watch the explain­er video below to learn about the $45  ice rink upgrade at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut and the next chap­ter of the UConn men’s hock­ey pro­gram as it com­petes in the top-tier Hock­ey East con­fer­ence.  Addi­tion­al read­ing:  The Hart­ford Courant inter­viewed a UConn spokesper­son aboutCon­tin­ue read­ing “Next chap­ter of UConn Men’s Ice Hock­ey caus­ing hesitation”

#TheRoundupCT Video Promo

By AMANDA CABRAL | UConn Jour­nal­ism May 10, 2019  This video is a spe­cial social media pro­mo­tion­al adver­tise­ment made for TheR­oundupC­T’s newslet­ter. Senior mem­bers of TheR­oundupCT team each com­plet­ed an inde­pen­dent study project dur­ing the Spring 2019 semes­ter. I chose to cre­ate this video, star­ring Lucian Hat­field (The­atre Stud­ies, left), Sophia Pel­leti­er (Jour­nal­ism and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mid­dle)Con­tin­ue read­ing “#TheR­oundupCT Video Promo”

How to measure the success of a protest

By Adam Hushin, UConn Jour­nal­ism May 9, 2019 Free­dom of peace­ful assem­bly is one of the rights Amer­i­cans can exer­cise thanks to the First Amend­ment. Watch this ani­ma­tion to under­stand the recipe for a suc­cess­ful protest or ral­ly.   Lis­ten to an accom­pa­ny­ing “Behind the Sto­ries” pod­cast on Sound­cloud to under­stand what goes into orga­niz­ing a protestCon­tin­ue read­ing “How to mea­sure the suc­cess of a protest”