Behind the Stories podcast: How three women journalists found success covering sports

In our lat­est ‘Behind the Sto­ries’ pod­cast, New York Times sports jour­nal­ist and author Karen Crouse spoke to UConn Jour­nal­ism major Ryley McGin­nis about the chal­lenges she faced of being a woman jour­nal­ist cov­er­ing sports.

Crouse dis­cussed one of her first jobs at the Savan­nah News Press in Geor­gia (now known as the Savan­nah Morn­ing News), where she real­ized that not every­one would be root­ing for her to suc­ceed, sim­ply because she was a woman. She advised aspir­ing female sports jour­nal­ists to not let their gen­der “enter into the equa­tion in terms of how we see ourselves.”

Mol­ly Qer­im, a UConn alum­na and the host of ESP­N’s ‘First Take,’ spoke with UConn Jour­nal­ism major Con­nor Don­ahue about her time at UConn and her expe­ri­ences at ESPN. She had noth­ing but good things to say, and says she has def­i­nite­ly seen an upward trend in wom­en’s par­tic­i­pa­tion in sports journalism.

The pod­cast also fea­tures UConn Jour­nal­ism senior Caitlin Cul­li­gan’s inter­view with sports reporter Gabrielle Lucivero from NBC Con­necti­cut. Lucivero talked about the women who have inspired her sports jour­nal­ism career. Lucivero said she she has seen improve­ments in the work­ing con­di­tions of women in sports jour­nal­ism, and that is thanks to the women who had break down these bar­ri­ers before her.


Lis­ten to ‘Behind the Sto­ries’ on Sound­cloud.

Top pho­to, from left: Mol­ly Qer­im is a UConn alum­na and host of ESP­N’s First Take. (Pho­to cour­tesy of ESPN).  Karen Crouse, a Cal­i­for­nia native and for­mer ath­lete, recent­ly released her first book, Nor­wich.  (Pho­to cour­tesy of Karen Crouse). Gabrielle Lucivero is a sports reporter at NBC Con­necti­cut (Pho­to cour­tesy of Gab­by Lucivero)