Software to Help You Build Your Final Explanatory Projects

Can’t recall what pro­grams we used to build our online sto­ries this semes­ter? Here is a handy list of online sto­ry­telling resources for JOUR3005. And you’d bet­ter know how to code a hyper­link from scratch, or else. <a href=“URL”>Link Text</a> AP

Pat MacArthur Barely Exists

I think its safe to say that I am invis­i­ble in the online sphere.  I don’t show up on almost any pages, and even oth­er search­es only show up with online accounts that I have.  The first page of my…

The Online Reputation of Grace McMorrow, the American

As an avid social media user, it does­n’t sur­prise me that, when I search my name, mul­ti­ple posts about me appear. I share my name with a woman in Eng­land so our online pro­files fill the first page of Google results.  In…

A view of Dhurata Lluhani’s Online Reputation: What Reputation?

When I searched Google for “Dhu­ra­ta Lluhani,” what came up on the first page was my Face­book and Twit­ter accounts along two Hart­ford Courant links where I was quot­ed in about UConn. On the sec­ond and third page it shows…

Sylvia Cunningham, the Journalism Student (not the Apostle), gives her Online Repulation a Solid B-

If you type “Sylvia Cun­ning­ham” into Google (and glaze over the YouTube video of anoth­er Sylvia preach­ing at a church in Vir­ginia), my Twit­ter account is the fourth hit that comes up and my Linkedin is the sev­enth. If hiring…

Online reputation is more important than you thought

On the first page of my google search results, noth­ing about me shows up. My dad’s cousin Andrew Katzen­stein who is a phe­nom­e­nal lawyer shows up in almost every search result. My dig­i­tal foot­print is almost invis­i­ble. I found one article…

Aysha Mahmood’s Online Reputation…Or Rather Her Lack Of

My Dig­i­tal Rep­u­ta­tion When I first typed in my name, Aysha Mah­mood, I did­n’t see any­thing about me on the first page.  I want­ed to try a dif­fer­ent search, so when I typed “Aysha Mah­mood UConn,” my LinkedIn comes up…

Spencer Mayfield’s Digital Reputation

When I searched my name into google, no evi­dence of my work in jour­nal­ism showed up on the first page. In order for my work with The Dai­ly Cam­pus to show up I had to search “Spencer May­field Dai­ly Campus”…

Megan Frey: Am I Invisible Online?

I have always known that the way you con­duct your­self online can have a big impact on your rep­u­ta­tion. As an indi­vid­ual grow­ing up in the dig­i­tal age, I have nev­er googled myself, main­ly out of fear of what I…

Ylenia Elvy-Panton: Nothing Shameful, But Not Much To Show Either

I’ve always been para­noid about search­ing for myself on the inter­net. Despite all the posts I make on social media sites like Twit­ter and Insta­gram, the idea that any­one else can find me with a sim­ple Google search is…daunting. It’s…

Journalists must create a reputation on social media to be successful

Eval­u­at­ing my Dig­i­tal Rep­u­ta­tion When I plugged “Matt Zampi­ni” into Google, the first page that came up is the link to my Twit­ter account. I am extreme­ly active on Twit­ter so that wasn’t sur­pris­ing to me. I also found my Facebook…

My digital reputation: Non existent

When I searched “Han­nah Olsen” into Google, there was noth­ing about me in the first five pages of the Google results. There is anoth­er reporter named Han­nah Olsen that works for Komo News so she takes prece­dence over any­thing I…

UConn is an important part of Eric Weeks’ career

Google knows UConn plays an impor­tant part in my career When I Googled “Eric Weeks,” I did not even appear on Google’s first page of results. I made my appear­ance on the sec­ond page where a link to my Twitter…

Abby Mace: Online reputation is too much track, not enough journalism

Accord­ing to Google, all I do is run track When I Googled “Abby Mace,” almost all of my results were sports-relat­ed. The top two results were my offi­cial ath­let­ic bios on The next results are links to Face­book and Twitter…

My online presence, or lack thereof

When I type “Ethan Lin­der” into google the first things that come up are images of anoth­er Ethan Lin­der play­ing bas­ket­ball, as well as his twit­ter. The first link that involves me is for Linked in and is the second…