UConn is an important part of Eric Weeks’ career

Google knows UConn plays an impor­tant part in my career When I Googled “Eric Weeks,” I did not even appear on Google’s first page of results. I made my appear­ance on the sec­ond page where a link to my Twitter…

Lupe Fiasco’s “Kick Push” serves as a timeless classic

Kick Push” was released in April 2006 by rap­per Lupe Fias­co. The song served as Fias­co’s first sin­gle and was released on his debut album Lupe Fias­co’s Food & Liquor. The song was nom­i­nat­ed for two Gram­my Awards in 2007…

UConn junior Anthony Aidonidis isn’t afraid to explore all of his opportunities

There is a press­ing issue that is cur­rent­ly plagu­ing the state of Con­necti­cut that either cur­rent gov­er­nor Dan­nel Mal­loy or his oppo­nent Tom Foley will have to address mov­ing for­ward fol­low­ing Novem­ber’s elec­tion. In a recent poll con­duct­ed by Gallup,…

Shared Interest: Journalists need to tread carefully in the digital age

The dig­i­ti­za­tion of infor­ma­tion has become an inte­gral part of every­day life but with it has come its own set of chal­lenges includ­ing the use of copy­right­ed mate­ri­als. In the film Steal This Film II, they make men­tion of Mark…

ESPN personality Keith Olbermann discusses Major League Baseball and the state of the National Football League

I lis­tened to ESPN’s Olber­mann pod­cast which is host­ed by Kei­th Olber­mann who for­mer­ly anchored ESP­N’s flag­ship pro­gram, Sports­Cen­ter, and has worked for MSNBC.  Olber­mann dis­cussed Derek Jeter’s final at bat at Yan­kee Sta­di­um, the Nation­al Foot­ball League’s mis­han­dling of…

Adrian Peterson accused of “negligent injury to a child”

Min­neso­ta Vikings run­ning back Adri­an Peter­son made head­lines recent­ly after he was indict­ed by a Texas grand jury for “reck­less or neg­li­gent injury to a child.” Peter­son is alleged to have dis­ci­plined his four year old son with a tree…

Around Storrs: This week’s recap of UConn’s fall sports

Foot­ball: On Mon­day, head coach Bob Dia­co announced senior defen­sive end Ange­lo Pruitt and offen­sive line­man Bryan Paull have retired from play­ing foot­ball. Pruitt, who was start­ing, has a genet­ic low­er leg con­di­tion that will pre­vent him from play­ing. Diaco…

Mashable Live Blog

Mashable gets to the point in their Apple iPhone and Watch coverage

Yes­ter­day after­noon Tim Cook and Apple made the high­ly antic­i­pat­ed intro­duc­tion of the iPhone 6 and the Apple Watch. Mash­able was one of the many news orga­ni­za­tions to ded­i­cate a heavy amount of cov­er­age for the unveil­ing. While there were…

Instant Replay Baseball

Under review: MLB’s replay system goes through growing pains

By BEN WALKER, Asso­ci­at­ed Pres­sAug. 30, 2014 8:00 AM EDT Major League Baseball’s replay sys­tem still a work in progress John Gib­bons has a pret­ty stan­dard rule for decid­ing when to dis­cuss a bang-bang call with an umpire. “We try to…


The Information Age: A gift and a curse

The increased access to news has pre­sent­ed itself as a gift and a curse. On the one hand, we have unlim­it­ed access to infor­ma­tion that we can obtain from the phones in our pock­ets in a man­ner of sec­onds. But,…

Eric Weeks

UConn junior Eric Weeks tries to make sense of online journalism

My name is Eric Weeks and I’m a junior from West­on, Con­necti­cut dou­ble major­ing in jour­nal­ism and com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Con­necti­cut. I grew up reli­gious­ly fol­low­ing New York sports (I still do) and dur­ing my fresh­man year at…