24/7 News Cycle: The Struggle to Break Through the Mess

Gone are the days of read­ing a few news­pa­pers in the morn­ing filled with the news that broke overnight before going on with your day. The days of return­ing home to watch the night­ly news broad­cast to dis­cov­er what happened…

Inundated with Information in Today’s News Cycle, for Better or Worse

Do you know what a field hock­ey stick looks like?” the mom asked. The girl shook her head, and the mom reached for her phone. “No…no! Mom­my. Not your phone,” the girl shout­ed sud­den­ly. “Well, I don’t have a pic­ture in…

Both Sides of the Online World

  The 24/7 news cycle has allowed the world to gain access to news quick­ly and effi­cient­ly.  We are able to con­trol how much and what is in our news diet.  In the past, the flow of news was slow and the…

Complicated Issues in a Complicated World: Creating a Useless News Cycle

As our tech­nol­o­gy has pro­gressed, our abil­i­ty to quick­ly and effi­cient­ly out­put infor­ma­tion as jour­nal­ists has sky­rock­et­ed.  Today, the abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with the entire world is avail­able sim­ply by tak­ing a phone out of your pock­et or sit­ting down…

Social Media and the News: How Much is Too Much?

News con­sumers are feel­ing the effects of the “infor­ma­tion age” more as the use of social media is on the rise. A break­ing sto­ry’s dead­line has shrunk from days to a mat­ter of min­utes as jour­nal­ists strive to be the…

The 24/7 News Cycle: Informative, but With Increasing Risks

I believe that the increased access to news has led to pub­lic enlight­en­ment as well as over sat­u­ra­tion. Although the quan­ti­ty of the news we receive has def­i­nite­ly improved, its qual­i­ty isn’t as depend­able as it should be. Our news…

Media Literacy, Use of Social Media Key in Today’s News Overload

It’s no secret that news is as ubiq­ui­tous as it’s ever been, but this abun­dance of infor­ma­tion need not be over­whelm­ing — if soci­ety learns how to think crit­i­cal­ly about the news and the sources it comes from. It can…


The Information Age: A gift and a curse

The increased access to news has pre­sent­ed itself as a gift and a curse. On the one hand, we have unlim­it­ed access to infor­ma­tion that we can obtain from the phones in our pock­ets in a man­ner of sec­onds. But,…

News Today: The Beauty of “Information Overload”

Thanks to social media, smart phones, dig­i­tal devices, and the thou­sands of web­sites avail­able online, the news world is expe­ri­enc­ing what I believe to be its peak. Not only can any­one have access to the news at any time, but…

People are Overloaded in Today’s Media Environment

The increased access to news has led to pub­lic enlight­en­ment and over­sat­u­ra­tion at the same time. The news is repeat­ed over and over again through­out the whole day, which at times does get annoy­ing to a per­son that lis­tens to…

A Double Edged Sword: How much information is too much information?

In an ever-chang­ing world where tech­nol­o­gy rules, it’s becom­ing hard­er and hard to fil­ter real­i­ty and the vir­tu­al world. With the addi­tion of social media, like Twit­ter and Face­book, the news can be accessed any­where we go. I argue that…

Too much information isn’t always a bad thing

I think that the increased access to news has lead  to a  pub­lic over-sat­u­ra­­tion of infor­ma­tion. There is so much news com­ing at the pub­lic so fast that it can be over­whelm­ing. Some­times infor­ma­tion that is com­plete­ly inac­cu­rate is released…

Public Enlightenment with the Risk of Oversaturation

The increased access to news has led to a 24/7 news cycle that can lead to pub­lic enlight­en­ment at the risk of over­sat­u­ra­tion. It is now more impor­tant than ever for the con­sumer of news to con­sid­er the valid­i­ty of…


Information Overload: Fact or Fiction

There is no doubt that the amount of infor­ma­tion we receive as well as the way we receive it has dras­ti­cal­ly changed over the past 2o years. Accord­ing to an arti­cle in the Tele­graph by Richard Alleyne “we now receive…

Why not have more news?

In my opin­ion, the increased access to news has led the pub­lic to enlight­en­ment rather than over­sat­u­ra­tion. With all of the news net­works on tele­vi­sion and social media out­lets nowa­days, it is dif­fi­cult to miss news of any kind. And…