9 Halloween Costumes That You Can Rock With Your Squad

These costumes are guaranteed to make you and your squad the life of the party.

What’s the best part about fall?

Maybe it’s the chang­ing of leaves from green to yel­low, red and orange, eat­ing all pump­kin every­thing, feel­ing the crisp, cold weath­er or going apple pick­ing with a few friends. What­ev­er it may be, there is one hol­i­day that every­one looks for­ward to the entire month of Octo­ber: Halloween.

It is the one night (or an entire week­end) of the year that you can dress up as what­ev­er you want no mat­ter how weird, scary or fun­ny you want that to be. You could go clas­sic and dress up as an angel equipped with the halo, wings and white attire. Or, you could go with what’s trend­ing in cos­tumes at the moment like a min­ion or any celebri­ty that’s easy to make a fun­ny cos­tume out of.

While those are fun options, it’s def­i­nite­ly more fun if you and your friends dress up all togeth­er and do a group cos­tume. Why is that more fun you ask? Because when you walk into that Hal­loween par­ty, every­one will know that you and your squad are the life of the par­ty right away. You took the time to coor­di­nate and plan an awe­some group cos­tume that prob­a­bly took only a week to make.

Here are 9 cos­tumes that you and your squad can dress up as this year that are sure to win you any Hal­loween party.

1. Three Blind Mice

This is a clas­sic trio cos­tume that is super easy to do.

Pho­to cred­it: The Odyssey

All you and your friends need are black mouse ears (which you can prob­a­bly find at any dol­lar store), a black top, black jeans or pur­ple tutus if you want to add a lit­tle pizazz, sun­glass­es and a walk­ing stick. Not only is it easy, but it is also afford­able for all the col­lege stu­dents balling on a budget.

2. Angels vs. Devils

Angels and dev­ils are clas­sic cos­tumes by them­selves, so why not get your group of friends to go head-to-head with them?

Have a friend who is a lit­tle sassy? They can wear a dev­il cos­tume. Or is anoth­er friend sweet as pie? They can dress up as an angel. This group cos­tume will also give you awe­some Insta­gram pho­tos because you can have fun with it and pre­tend to actu­al­ly bat­tle it out or take a cute pic­ture of all of you in your costumes.

3. Orange is the New Black

Turn an awe­some Net­flix show into a great group cos­tume with one friend being Piper com­plete with an orange jump­suit, blonde hair and a prison ID.

Every­one else can dress up as any char­ac­ter they want and go as either a prison guard com­plete with awe­some shades or anoth­er pris­on­er dressed in a tan jump­suit. Not only is this cos­tume super com­fort­able, but it is also good for a large group of people.

4. “Spice” Girls

You’re prob­a­bly think­ing of the clas­sic 90s all-female British pop group when you read Spice Girls, but this cos­tume takes a “pun­ny” twist with it.

Pho­to cred­it: High Touch Technologies

Instead of dress­ing up like Scary or Posh Spice, you and your friends can be lit­er­al spices. All you need to do is get an iron-on pic­ture of a spice jar and iron it onto any white shirt you want. This cos­tume is def­i­nite­ly sim­ple, yet effec­tive if you’re look­ing for some laughs this Halloween.

5. Trolls

No, not the trolls you would see in a fan­ta­sy movie with boils on the face, but the cute Troll dolls with crazy col­ored hair.

This cos­tume is great for a group of gal pals who want to be cute for Hal­loween, but also do some­thing that isn’t basic. All you’ll need for this cos­tume is a flesh toned dress, any flesh toned shoes and bright-col­ored wigs that you can mold upward with lots of hair­spray for that wind-blown finish.

6. Fruit sal­ad

Who doesn’t love a good ole’ fash­ioned fruit salad?

This group cos­tume lets you and your friends dress up as their favorite fruit while still look­ing adorable for Hal­loween. If you love grapes, you can wear pur­ple shoes, a pur­ple dress that you can hot glue pur­ple pom-poms onto and make a cute head­band out of fake leaves. If you are more of a cit­rus fan, you can dress up as a lime by wear­ing a green dress and green lipstick.

Or, if you are more of a berry per­son, you can dress up as a straw­ber­ry and wear red shoes and a red dress with tiny white cutouts ironed on.

7. Mimes

This cos­tume is super easy to cre­ate because all you need is black jeans, black shoes, a white striped shirt and a beret. If you and your friends want to go all out (which you prob­a­bly do, let’s be hon­est) you can wear mime make­up. All you’ll need is white face paint, your favorite red lip­stick, black eye­lin­er and black mascara.

8. The Break­fast Club

Bring it back to the 80s with this icon­ic group cos­tume of The Break­fast Club that fits every clas­sic high school stereotype.

Pho­to cred­it: Phoenix New Times

You have the lon­er, the jock, the nerd, the pop­u­lar girl and the grungy, qui­et girl. While you and your squad could dress up like clas­sic high school stereo­types any­way, this cos­tume is more fun because you can bring it back in time to the 80s com­plete with Chuck Taylor’s, hair with lots of hair­spray and over­sized clothes.

9. Mad Men

You and your friend group will want to drink scotch on the rocks and mar­ti­nis all night with this classy group costume.

One of your friends can be Don Drap­er with a nice­ly cut suit and tie and slick hair. Anoth­er squad mem­ber can be Bet­ty Drap­er with a 60s-inspired shift dress, pearls, a cig­a­rette in hand and a curled up ‘do. Or, does some­one want to be the office seduc­tress and go as Joan Harris?

They can wear a slim fit­ting dress, a red wig if they want to real­ly get into char­ac­ter or curl their hair up and wear a gold neck­lace for some flair. While Mad Men isn’t on the air any­more, this cos­tume is sure to be a hit on any Hal­loween party.

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