The Legend of Michigan State’s Bearded Man

MSU senior Braden Cleary is the co-founder of TheMountCo and creator of The Bearded Man Project, an initiative to bring attention to the waning popularity of America’s national parks.

What do you get when you com­bine a beard­ed man, a t‑shirt and your love of nature? You get The­Mount­Co, a cloth­ing com­pa­ny that was co-found­ed by child­hood friends Braden Cleary and Pre­ston Smith.

Grow­ing up, Cleary spent most of his time ski­ing or par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Boy Scouts, where he did his fair share of out­door activ­i­ties. His pas­sion for the out­doors is what sparked the idea for The­Mount­Co, a cloth­ing com­pa­ny ded­i­cat­ed to pro­mot­ing nature and the Nation­al Park Service.

The idea came to Cleary in high school after he and Smith decid­ed they want­ed to start a busi­ness togeth­er once they got into col­lege. Even though Cleary and Smith went to dif­fer­ent col­leges, Cleary going to Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty and Smith going to Cap­i­tal Uni­ver­si­ty, they stuck to their goal and start­ed The­Mount­Co their fresh­man year of col­lege.  

Becom­ing a Brand

Once Cleary and Smith had the idea for the cloth­ing line, they need­ed a logo—something that would stand out, so peo­ple would rec­og­nize them.

First, they had the idea of a line of t‑shirts with sim­ple features—a man’s face, a thought bub­ble and the image of his favorite sport with­in the bub­ble. For exam­ple, one t‑shirt they designed depict­ed a man’s head with ski-relat­ed quotes, such as dif­fer­ent ski moun­tains, above it. So, Cleary and Smith hopped on the com­put­er to try and make this idea come alive, but when they start­ed to design it, they came up with The Beard­ed Man instead.

They start­ed small at first, most­ly sell­ing their prod­uct to their friends and fam­i­ly, but once their cloth­ing line picked up some steam, they added a web­site and beefed up their social media pres­ence. Soon enough, The Beard­ed Man could be spot­ted across the coun­try on their hats, t‑shirts, sweat­shirts and more.

The company’s most recent excit­ing ven­ture is becom­ing grass­roots part­ners with War­ren Miller Enter­tain­ment, the world’s biggest name in snow-sports cin­e­ma. Every year, War­ren Miller goes across the coun­try show­ing their lat­est films of dif­fer­ent snow-sports ath­letes doing what they love to do on ski moun­tains across the globe. The excite­ment the films gen­er­ate dri­ves adren­a­line-seek­ers in the audi­ence to actu­al­ly come and mar­vel at the beau­ti­ful, snow-filled land­scapes that act as the ath­letes’ play­ground. “I want­ed to come up with a col­lab­o­ra­tive project, thought of War­ren Miller films and was able to pro­mote at the biggest film­ing in Michi­gan,” Cleary says. By part­ner­ing with War­ren Miller Enter­tain­ment, Cleary was able to bring his cloth­ing line to the biggest show­ing in Michi­gan, in his col­lege town of East Lans­ing, and pro­mote it to fel­low ski bums.

Becom­ing a Co-Founder

So, how does the senior mar­ket­ing major keep up with his grow­ing busi­ness, school work and still be a part of the MSU Alpine Ski and Snow­board team? Cleary del­e­gates his time, some­thing he learned back in Boy Scouts. “That’s a key fac­tor for me to do all of it,” says the MSU senior.

And he doesn’t have any plan to stop soon. After grad­u­at­ing in the spring, Cleary plans to move to Trevor City, one of the biggest vaca­tion towns in the state, and open up shop there so he can focus on grow­ing the brand.

Child­hood friends and co-founders of The­Mount­Co, Braden Cleary and Pre­ston Smith. Pho­to cred­it: TheMountCo

In addi­tion, he also plans to improve the prod­ucts by plac­ing even more empha­sis on their per­for­mance fea­tures. “I want to be able to do more tech­ni­cal stuff. Right now we have hats, hood­ies and bean­ies, but I want to take that and make it out­door friend­ly.” In par­tic­u­lar, he is work­ing on cre­at­ing cloth­ing that has water-wick­ing capa­bil­i­ties, which is essen­tial for those long days ski­ing or snow­board­ing on the mountain.

More Than Clothing

The­Mount­Co isn’t just your reg­u­lar cloth­ing com­pa­ny for nature junkies; it’s a cloth­ing line based on the love and preser­va­tion of nature. And the com­pa­ny is try­ing to do just that by bring­ing aware­ness to a huge issue fac­ing our Nation­al Park Ser­vice that many peo­ple might be unaware of: the decline of vis­i­tors under the age of twen­ty-five. “It’s a hid­den issue where the demo­graph­ics aren’t favor­able to parks in the future,” says Cleary. “It’s most­ly seniors and fam­i­lies going, but not our age.”

Accord­ing to CNN’s Mor­gan Spur­lock, while nation­al parks have seen an increase in atten­dance, the num­ber of vis­i­tors under the age of fif­teen has decreased by half. Cleary and his team came across this issue last year while research­ing for their cam­paign to cel­e­brate the Nation­al Park Service’s cen­ten­ni­al year. Ide­al­ly, Cleary hopes that his com­pa­ny could act as the bridge between nation­al parks and millennials.

Cleary and his team are help­ing to bring aware­ness to this issue with their newest blog series, the Nation­al Park Project. The team sent out the real-life Beard­ed Man on a year-long jour­ney in a Mount­Co van across the Unit­ed States to vis­it all fifty-nine nation­al parks. The Beard­ed Man has been chron­i­cling his time at dif­fer­ent parks and speak­ing to dif­fer­ent park vis­i­tors, exec­u­tives and park work­ers to high­light the beau­ty and neces­si­ty of the nation­al park system.

We feel like peo­ple our age can find any­thing on their phone and they can see nation­al parks on their phones but it’s dif­fer­ent when you get out there,” says Cleary, and the Beard­ed Man project strives to pro­mote just that.

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